Event Date
Notice is hereby given that the Milford Borough Council will conduct a Public Hearing, and thereafter may vote upon and potentially enact an amendment to Chapter 290, Section 14 of the Milford Borough Code. If passed, the Ordinance amendment would add traffic controls (stop signs, or no exit signs where specified below) at various streets, alleys, and intersections within the Borough. Affected streets and alleys include the intersections of: Blackberry Alley and Ann Street, Blackberry Alley and Catharine Street, Elizabeth Street and Sixth Street, Fifth Street and West John Street, Gooseberry Alley and Broad Street (no exit sign), James Street and Ninth Street, Pear Alley and Broad Street (no exit sign), and Sarah Street and Sixth Street.
The proposed Ordinance is available for inspection at the Milford Borough Office, 500 Broad Street,
The Hearing shall take place on March 17, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Milford Borough Hall, 109 Catharine Street, Milford, Pennsylvania.
Joseph Dooley, Council President
Jason R. Ohliger, Esq., Solicitor
Francesca Lombardo, Secretary
March 10 2025