Event Date
Notice is hereby given that the Matamoras Borough Council will conduct a Public Hearing, and thereafter may vote upon and potentially enact changes to Chapter 105-13 of the Matamoras Borough Code, regulating removal of snow. If ap- proved, the changes would include additional language requiring owners, tenants, and other occupants and property agents to remove any objects (not limited to snow and ice) blocking access to any fire hydrant within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving notice from the Borough Code
Enforcement Officer or the Chief of Police. streets and sidewalks. The proposed changes are available for
inspection at the Matamoras Borough Office, 10 Avenue I, Matamoras, PA.
The Hearing shall take place on March 25, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the Matamoras Borough Hall, 10 Avenue I, Matamoras, PA.
Eric Kudrich, Council President
Jason R. Ohliger, Esquire, Borough Solicitor
Marianne Brown, Borough Secretary