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Heidelberg Materials Northeast LLC Surface Blasting Event

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PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Heidelberg Materials Northeast LLC proposes to continue to conduct surface blasting in compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws. The blasting will occur at the Stroudsburg Quarry operation, Noncoal Surface Mine Permit Number 6575SM1. Blasting is scheduled for Monday through Saturday, inclusive, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to sunset. The above schedule is applicable to the tract of land that lies approximately one-half mile south of the intersection between Cherry Valley Road and Bossardsville Road, in Hamilton Township, Monroe County. The blast area can be located on the Saylorsburg, PA USGS 7.5' Quadrangle Map approximately 9 inches north by 2.5 inches west of the bottom right corner. Access to the blasting area will be controlled by the placement of warning signs at every entrance to the operation and access road barricades will be erected a minimum of 10 minutes before each detonation. The audible warnings and all clear signals to be used before a shot and after blasting are as follows: Pre-warning: Three (3) audible signals of a horn or siren, each lasting approximately 5 seconds, at least 1 minute but no more than 2 minutes prior to detonation. All-clear signal: One (1) audible signal, lasting approximately 10 seconds. Emergency situations that might prevent blasting at the scheduled times or that may require unscheduled detonation would include rain, lightning, other adverse atmospheric conditions or operator or public safety. Written comments should be submitted to the District Mining Manager, PA Department of Environmental Protection, 5 West Laurel Boulevard, Pottsville, PA 17901. March 18 2025 LSOM0255449

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