Event Date
TAKE NOTICE that the Stroud Township Board of Supervisors will hold public hearings on Thursday, Fe-bruary 13, 2025, beginning at 3:00 P.M., at the Stroud Township Municipal Center, 1211 North 5th Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360. The purpose of the hearings is to consider the following applications for a waiver or modification from the riparian buffer regulations found at § 23-303 of the Stroud Township Stormwater Ordinance:
(1) The application of Adam Karhu concerning the 0.44 acre property that is located at 3114 Fairfax Terrace, in Stroud Township, Monroe County, PA. This property is further identified as Parcel # 17.15F.1.87 and Map # 17-6382-04-80-7898 and is owned by Adam Karhu.
(2) The application of Eu-gene Bykhovski concerning the 0.57 acre property lo-cated at 3282 Stonehenge Drive, in Stroud Township, Monroe County, PA. This property is further identified as Parcel ID # 17.15B.2.28 and Map # 17-6392-01-35-7420 and is owned by Modern Pocono Properties, LLC.
The complete applications are available for inspection (without charge) or copying (for actual copying costs) at the Township's office at the address listed above during regular business hours. If you require any special ac-commodations to attend, please contact the Township at (570)421-3362 at least one day in advance.
By: Todd W. Weitzmann,
700 Monroe Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Stroud Township Solicitors
P - January 21, 28, 2025