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PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Zoning Hearing Board of Middle Smithfield Township, Monroe County, PA, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM, at the Middle Smithfield Township Municipal Building, 147 Municipal Drive, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302, to consider the application of Alexandra Artyukhova, regarding PIN # 09731502965102 situated at 6257 Lakeshore Dr., East Stroudsburg, PA in the R3 (Residential) Zoning District of Middle Smithfield Township. The applicant appeals the action of the Zoning Officer, the denial of a zoning permit application by letter dated 12/15/23, and seeks a de minimus dimensional variance and relief from section 031-040 and Table 130-30A of the Township Zoning Ordinance. This is a continuation of the initial hearing on May 14, 2024. All persons having an interest in this matter are invited to attend and make their views known at this time. Materials regarding this application may be examined at the Middle Smithfield Township Municipal Building during normal business hours, and on the date, time, and place of the hearing.

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