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Mount Pocono Public Conditional Use Hearing re: Sheetz

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BOROUGH OF MOUNT POCONO MONROE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF APPLICATION OF HARVEST PROPERTIES, LLC FOR CONDITIONAL USE FOR SHEETZ CONVENIENCE STORE The Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Pocono shall conduct a public hearing on October 17, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Borough Council Meeting Room, Mount Pocono Municipal Building, 1361 Pocono Boulevard, Suite 100, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania 18344, for the purpose of considering an application of Harvest Properties, LLC for Conditional Use Approval to construct a Sheetz Convenience Store on the below described property. The property is located at 1221 and 1222 Pocono Boulevard, Pa. Route 611, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania and bears tax identification numbers and The property is located in a C-2 (Commercial General) Zoning District. A “Convenience Store” and “Gas Station” use are permitted as Conditional Uses within the C-2 Zoning District. See Code of Ordinances § 215 attachment 1:6 (Schedule of Uses). The Applicant also seeks Conditional Use approval to reduce the amount of required reserve parking based upon 85th percentile peak demand. See § 215-22(f)(4). A complete copy of the Application is available by contacting the Borough Manager during regular business hours. All interested residents of the Borough of Mt. Pocono are welcome to attend. Any person in need of special accommodations to allow participation should contact the Borough at (570) 839-8436 at least 48 hours prior to the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF MOUNT POCONO BOROUGH COUNCIL James V. Fareri, Esq., Solicitor

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