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Joint Public Hearing: Chestnuthill and Jackson Townships - Fireworks Ordinance

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP AND JACKSON TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY ORDINANCES REGULATING DISPLAY AND CONSUMER FIREWORKS A joint public hearing and meeting will be conducted by the Chestnuthill Township and Jackson Township Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the West End Volunteer Fire Company Building, Route 715, Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania. Public Hearing shall commence at 7:00 p.m. to be followed immediately by meetings of both Boards. The purpose of the Public Hearing and meeting is solely to consider the adoption of ordinances in both Townships regulating display and consumer fireworks as those terms are defined in the Pa. Fireworks Law, Act 74 of 2022, 3 Pa. C.S.A §1101 et seq. The Ordinances are too lengthy for publication herein but are summarized as follows. A complete copy of the ordinances is available by contacting the Chestnuthill Township offices, 271 Route 715, Brodheadsville, Pa., 18322 (570-992-7247) and the Jackson Township offices, 2162 Route 715, Reeders, Pa., 18352 (570-629-0153). The Ordinance contains a “Definitions” section defining consumer fireworks, display fireworks, and fireworks display permit. The Ordinance requires a Township Permit for the igniting of display fireworks and provides requirements to obtain a display fireworks permit, including the posting of a bond in the amount of $50,000.00 as well as commercial liability insurance. The Ordinance requires the holder of a display permit to notify the applicable fire department at least 48 hours in advance of fireworks display as well as the Monroe County Control Center. Denial of the application is subject to appeal, with hearings to be held before the Board of Supervisors under the local agency law. The Ordinance requires disposal of unfired fireworks in a safe manner. Consumer fireworks may be discharged only on days and times as noted in the Ordinance. No consumer fireworks may be ignited or discharged at any time within the Township, except on the dates and holidays specified. Consumer fireworks may not be ignited within 150 feet of any building or vehicle whether or not occupied. Consumer fireworks may not be ignited within 1,000 feet of any agricultural operations or animal husbandry operations as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. Fireworks may not be discharged within 500 feet of any municipal owned property. The Ordinance authorizes the Township to engage an enforcement officer for the purposes of enforcing the Ordinance. A violation of any provisions of the Ordinance is declared to be a disturbance of the peace and a public nuisance. A schedule of violations and penalties is provided, providing that violations of the Ordinance are a summary offense punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $1,000.00 dollars per violation, plus any court costs and reasonable counsel fees incurred by the municipality. The Ordinance repeals any ordinances inconsistent with the Ordinance. The Ordinance will be effective five days after its enactment. All interested citizens of Chestnuthill Township or Jackson Township are invited to attend the hearing. If any person with a disability should wish to request that special accommodation be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township by calling 610-681-5376 at least one (1) business day in advance to make arrangements. By Order of the Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors and Jackson Township Board of Supervisors James V. Fareri, Esq., Special Solicitor

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