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Panel Discussion: Childcare Crisis in Carbon & Monroe Counties

Panel Discussion: Childcare Crisis in Carbon & Monroe Counties
Event Date

Northampton Community College, Pocono Campus
Keystone Hall, Room 202 A-B
2411 Route 715
Tannersville PA 

Business leaders, elected officials, and nonprofits will learn more about the local and national childcare crisis and how it is impacting children, families, businesses, and the economy.

The event will feature breakfast and networking, a presentation on the local and national childcare crisis, followed by a panel.

Tours of the Northampton Community College Monroe Campus’ childcare facilities will be offered following the panel discussion.

Key Discussion Points:

- Overview of the childcare crisis in Monroe and Carbon Counties, including statistics and key differences between the counties. 
- Impact of the crisis on children, families, and the economy.
- Existing supports available for families and childcare providers.
- Action that childcare stakeholders can take to address the crisis.

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