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Butterfly Release for Peace

Event Date
You're invited to our 14th Annual Butterfly Release for Peace on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at the Weiler Abrasives Group campus! Our Butterfly Release for Peace is a heartfelt occasion dedicated to supporting victims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. This event will captivate your senses, uplift your spirits, and serve as a symbol of freedom, resilience and the transformation that comes with healing. Join us as we express our support for survivors, honor those who we've lost and unite in advocating for a community that is free from violence and abuse. Admission to this event is completely free, ensuring that everyone can participate and show their support. However, attendees are warmly encouraged to purchase a butterfly as a symbolic gesture of solidarity or become an event sponsor, enabling us to provide vital resources and support to survivors. Butterflies are available for $20 each! The last day to purchase is Friday, August 9, 2024. Sponsorships start at $125! The last day to become a sponsor is Friday, August 30, 2024. To purchase a butterfly or sponsor our event, please visit - **Rain Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024**

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