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Printmaking & Poetry Exhibition

Event Date
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 3 from 4:00-6:00pm From monoprints to monologues take a stroll through the gallery and experience unique impressions of ink on paper. A variety of printmaking methods and original poetry will be on display. We think you'll enjoy the texture of the prints and prose... plan to linger a while. Exhibition Details: All manner of handmade printmaking is welcomed and encouraged. Vegetable prints, linocut, woodblock, monoprints, etching, screenprint, etc... show us what you've got! Pair your print with a poem or give your words stand on their own. We will be asking poets to share their writing in print and via recording (audio and/or visual). Details to follow. Drop-off: Tuesday, July 30 from 1:00-6:00pm Reception / Awards: Saturday, August 3 from 4:00-6:00pm Exhibition: August 3 - September 27, 2024 Pick-up: Tuesday, October 1 from 1:00-6:00pm Prospectus →

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