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Navigating the Stock Market with Library Tools (Tech Thursday Class)

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Kickstart your journey in the stock market with our class, 'Playing the Stock Market Using Library Resources.' Learn how to utilize your library card to access the Value Line Investment Survey--a resource that offers expert advice and insights on about 1,700 stocks, encompassing a large portion of U.S. trading activity. This free tool is your guide to understanding financial markets, building smart investment strategies, and staying informed about significant stock developments. Join us to take advantage of Value Line and other invaluable library resources that can support your investing efforts. Being familiar with online navigation is necessary to fully benefit from this class. Registrations required due to limited space. Call 570-421-0800 ext. 317 or visit the Hughes Library Information Desk on the second floor to register or for more information. Class will take place in the Pullen Room on the second floor of the Hughes Library. Registration opens July 1st.

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