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Chair Cardio/Movement

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Join us every Friday at 2:00 PM in the Edinger Community Room for chair cardio and movement (unless otherwise specified) - a vibrant class combining yoga, cardio, and Zumba. Open to anyone aged 14 and up, this session is part of our popular chair exercise classes led by Luz. Participation is free--just come dressed in comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated. For an enhanced experience, consider bringing your own yoga mat. Please remember, if you're feeling under the weather, we ask that you stay home and join us again when you're feeling better. Due to the popularity of this class, please note that it's capped at 50 participants and entry is first-come, first-served. We welcome individuals of all abilities and skill levels, so whether you're a beginner or more experienced, come join us and end your week on a high note!

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