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Zoning Hearing Board of Coolbaugh Township - Public Hearing re: Variance - Lot 92, Riverfront Terrace, Pocono Lake

Event Date

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Zoning Hearing Board of Coolbaugh Township will conduct a public hearing at the Coolbaugh Township Municipal building located at 5520 Municipal Drive, Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM to hear the following application: The hearing is to consider an application for a variance from the dimensional standards of the Coolbaugh Township Zoning Code, Chapter 400.14(C), Attachment 2, filed by Mark B. Edgar, Sr., the owner of the subject property. The Appellant is seeking relief from the minimum lot size standard to construct a single-family dwelling and associated improvements on a residential building lot. The subject property is identified as Lot 92, Riverfront Terrace, Pocono Lake, Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, Tax Map# 03539703334352 and is located in the R-2 Zoning District. Any interested party may examine the plans and applications for these appeals during the hours of 8:30 A. 4:00 P. M. at the Coolbaugh Township Municipal Building on business days. Any person with a disability and in need of special accommodations to allow participation at the public hearing should contact the Township Secretary at (570) 894-8490 at least 24 hours prior to the public hearing. BY ORDER OF:Emmanuel DeStefano, ChairmanZONING HEARING BOARD OF COOLBAUGH TOWNSHIPPublication DatesL00000000

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