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HISTORY HIKE - Warnertown Ice House & Dam

Event Date

The Coolbaugh Township Historical Association will be conducting a hike to the Warnertown icehouse foundation and associated structures led by Bill Leonard.
The Warnertown icehouse was one of the last operating icehouses in the Poconos. All that remains today are foundations and bits and pieces of our local ice harvesting history.

The hike is of moderate difficulty with rocky terrain, brush, and some minor wet areas. The round-trip is approximately 1 mile and the tour will last approximately 2 hours.

Meet at the Pennsylvania Game Commission parking area on Route 423, approximately 1-3/4 miles west of I-380. The parking area is located on the right, just before the bridge on the Tobyhanna Creek.
Locator map

The hike to the icehouse will be followed by an additional optional hike to the remnants of the Warnertown Lake Dam and Warnertown Falls. This optional hike is approximately 2 miles round-trip of easy difficulty.

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