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Thomas Yanac (Coroner)

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Monroe County Assistance Office

Email: C-MONROE@PA.GOV Monroe County Assistance offices provide aid and support to families in need. Caseworkers are available at the county assistance office to help you and answer your questions. This program provides:- Benefits assistanceAssistance and information is also provided on:- Affordable Care Act (ACA)- Cash Assistance- Employment and Training Programs- Finding Facilities… Read More
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Monroe County Archives

Assistance with researching historical documents.
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Monroe County Assessment Office

Assistance with property assmt/appeals/exemptions/Act 319/homestead&farmstead/mailing address changes.
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County Government is administered by a board of three Commissioners with four- year terms, the Commissioners act in legislative and executive capacities. Their role is to administer human service programs, conduct land use planning, maintain county property, and oversee the County Correctional Facility, the Housing Authority, Vector Control, zoning and conservation.
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Monroe County Controller

Assistance with the financial affairs for accounts payable, payroll and audits. 
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Monroe County Coroner

Assistance for families of the deceased.
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Monroe County Correctional Facility

Assistance with incarceration of person(s).
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Monroe County Elections

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Monroe County Fiscal

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