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'Artists in Nature: Tricia Lowrey Lippert and Friends'-Meet the Artists

Event Date
The month of May will feature local artists Tricia Lowrey Lippert, Peter Salmon, Joni Oye-Benintende and Marilyn Pastor in our art gallery. Come to the art gallery from 11am to 1pm and meet the artists. The show will include a variety of art mediums, including clay, oil painting and watercolors for a unique nature-themed show. 'Artists in Nature' will be on display at the Gallery at Kettle Creek for the month of May. The gallery is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4:30pm and will be open Saturdays, 5/4 and 5/18 from 9am to 1pm. Pre-registration is not required for this program.There is no charge. CAll 570-629-3061 with any questions.