Sheriff’s Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to 904 CIVIL 2024 I, Nick Cirranello, Sheriff of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will expose the following described real estate to public sale in the Monroe County Courthouse, Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania on: Thursday, JANUARY 30, 2025 AT 10:00 A.M. By accessing the web address: PURCHASERS MUST PAY 10% OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OR SHERIFF’S COSTS, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER TO BID4ASSETS BY WIRE TRANSFER NO LATER THAN 4:00PM THE DAY AFTER AUCTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land situate in the Borough of Mount Pocono, County of Monroe and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. BEGINNING at an iron on the East side of Belmont Avenue, said iron being the Southwest corner of lot now or formerly of James Shorten; THENCE by said shorten lot, North 89 degrees 50 minutes East 200 feet to an iron; THENCE by the same North 00 degrees 10 minutes West 75 feet to an iron in line of lot now or formerly of William Donovan; THENCE by the said Donovan lot, North 89 degrees 50 minutes East 32 feet to a corner; THENCE by land now or formerly of William N. Stiff, et ux. of which this was formerly a part, South 00 degrees 10 minutes East 113 feet to a corner; THENCE by the same, South 89 degrees 50 minutes West 232 feet to a corner in the East side of Belmont Avenue; THENCE along the East side of the said Belmont Avenue, North 00 degrees 10 minutes West 38 feet to the place of BEGINNING. BEING THE SAME PREMISES granted and conveyed unto KLW Investments, LLC, by virtue of a Deed of SP Eastern, LLC, a New York limited liability company, dated January 29, 2020, and recorded in Monroe County Recorder of Deeds office on January 30, 2020, to Monroe County Deed Book 2543, Page 7018, et seq., Instrument No. 202002687. UNDER AND SUBJECT to restrictions, reservations, exceptions, covenants and conditions as set forth in the chain of title. HAZARDOUS WASTE IS NEITHER BEING PRESENTLY DISPOSED OF NOR HAS EVER BEEN DISPOSED OF BY THE GRANTOR HEREIN NOR DOES THE GRANTOR HEREIN HAVE ANY ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE THAT HAZARDOUS WASTE HAS BEEN DISPOSED OF ON THE PREMISES HEREIN. NOTICE - THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT SELL, CONVEY, TRANSFER, INCLUDE OR INSURE THE TITLE TO THE COAL AND RIGHT OF SUPPORT UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO HEREIN, AND THE OWNER OR OWNERS OF SUCH COAL MAY HAVE THE COMPLETE LEGAL RIGHT TO REMOVE ALL OF SUCH COAL, AND, IN THAT #4422185.1 CONNECTION, DAMAGE MAY RESULT TO THE SURFACE OF THE LAND AND ANY HOUSE, BUILDING OR OTHER STRUCTURE ON OR IN SUCH LAND. THE INCLUSION OF THIS NOTICE DOES NOT ENLARGE, RESTRICT OR MODIFY ANY LEGAL RIGHTS OR ESTATES OTHERWISE CREATED, TRANSFERRED, EXCEPTED OR RESERVED BY THIS INSTRUMENT. IMPROVED PROPERTY BEING KNOWN AS: 27 Sterling Road, Mount Pocono, PA 18344 IMPROVED PROPERTY BEING USED FOR: Commercial uses MAP/PARCEL/PLATE: PIN NO.: 10635508893294 SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION AS THE PROPERTY OF: KLW Investments, LLC TO ALL PARTIES IN INTEREST AND CLAIMANTS: Prospective bidders must complete the Bid4Assets on-line registration process to participate in the auction. The highest bid plus costs shall be paid to bid4assets, on their website, as the purchase price for the property sold by the Sheriff’s Office, Stroudsburg, PA. A schedule of proposed distribution for the proceeds received from the above captioned sale will be on file in the Office of the Sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. Distribution in accordance therewith will be made within ten (10) days thereafter unless exceptions are filed within said time. Sheriff’s Office Stroudsburg, PA Patrick J. Best, Sheriff’s Solicitor Nick Cirranello Sheriff of Monroe County Pennsylvania James T. Shoemaker, Esquire Advertise:12/27/24, 1/3, 1/10/25
Public Notice: 01/03/2025 [13f337a0d6a4da425450bee4e2907819]
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Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00
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